Friday 16 May 2014

The Wilderness Downtown

The Wilderness Downtown is a website that has really surprised me. All you basically need to do is put in your address and it makes a video of arcade fire's song- We used to wait, with your address. Now fine. It does. So what's so fascinating about it? It uses HTML5!! I know a bit of HTML and I can do nothing more than writing text with different fonts wiht a background. I can imagine how long it would to make a website like that using HTML! Check it out-

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Top 13 companies/softwares using the most number of lines of code.

14. A simple iPhone app- 30,000 lines of code

12. Unix v.1.0- 30,000 lines of code

11. Space Shuttle-400,000 lines of code

10. Hubble Space Telescope- 2 million lines of code

9. US Military Drone- 3.5 million lines of code

8.Mars Curiosity Rover- 5 millions lines of code

7.Google Chrome- 5.1 million lines of code

6. Android- 12 million lines of code

5. Boeing Flight Software-14 million lines of code

4. Windows 7- 40 million

 3. Microsoft office 2013- 44 million

2. Facebook- 60 millions lines of code

1. Car Software- 100 million lines of code

Saturday 10 May 2014


Wow here's a really amazing picture of 5G tha Nilav had shared. It is said to be coming out in 2020. You can download a movie in a second. It would take 2 minutes 43 seconds to download all the Simpsons episodes compared to 4G's 2 hours. The size of your webpage could be a maximum of 2-3 GB!!!

Friday 9 May 2014

Google AdSense

So what is Google AdSense? It is one of the ways you can make money out of your blog or website. I don't really know much about AdSense on a website, but I can explain how it is on a blog. So first you need to sign up on the AdSense official website- . So one bad thing about AdSense is that they say that it is free to sign up. But one warning which I'm giving everyone reading this. IT IS NOT FREE!!! You need to pay $2 or $3. Then AdSense gives you a Javascript code which you copy paste on the place where you add gadgets to a new HTML/Javascript gadget. The other way is to add the Google AdSense gadget directly. Everytime somebody clicks on the advertisment, you will get money.So is Adsense worth it? You must see that AdSense is actually unreliable. For every click Google might be getting $1 while all you get is $0.01. AdSense has also made many websites lose alot of their feeds. There are even some professional websites which have been using AdSense. But all this proves is that they are not doing well, henceforth they are trying to make money out of this feature Google has provided them. Next, people do use AdSense in a dumb way. They clutter up their websites with so many ads that nobody would actually bother reading anything on the site. Google may also ban you from AdSense easily. It might be because you, yourself have actually been clicking the ad to make money or they can do it just like that for no reason at all. Google also discloses you from restricting keywords as to your AdSense. You cannot share details with others. AdSense has very few advantages. Its main advantage is that it is easy to setup and use. The other one is that google chooses the ad for you, so you don't need to get into the trouble of choosing an advertisement yourself. I agree with what Craig Chamberlin said in his video-"IT Life: Can You Really Make Money On Adsense?"( AdSense IS unreliable, has a lack of security and the context has to be focused on the algorithm).