Tuesday 13 May 2014

Top 13 companies/softwares using the most number of lines of code.

14. A simple iPhone app- 30,000 lines of code

12. Unix v.1.0- 30,000 lines of code

11. Space Shuttle-400,000 lines of code

10. Hubble Space Telescope- 2 million lines of code

9. US Military Drone- 3.5 million lines of code

8.Mars Curiosity Rover- 5 millions lines of code

7.Google Chrome- 5.1 million lines of code

6. Android- 12 million lines of code

5. Boeing Flight Software-14 million lines of code

4. Windows 7- 40 million

 3. Microsoft office 2013- 44 million

2. Facebook- 60 millions lines of code

1. Car Software- 100 million lines of code

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