Thursday 1 May 2014

Google Glass

So lets see. First post, so I decided to give a write up on something that has interested people from all over the world......................Google Glass. Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google had been working on this project for a long time until finally, a month back, it was for sale in the US. There are people all around the world waiting impatiently for it to come out in their country, but I'm sure that that's going to take a long time! So Google Glass has a 640*360 resolution. The panel is actually a tiny piece near your eye. It has a 25 inch high definition screen from 8 feet away. So one of the best things about glass is that you can take pictures and videos with it! It has a built in 5 megapixel camera and a 720 p video recorder. You can either take a picture by tapping some stuff on the side or by saying "Okay glass, take a picture."! You can take a video by saying "Okay glass, record a video"! This will then be saved to your timeline. You can automatically share the picture to Google Plus, twitter or Facebook after that For the audio it has a bone conduction transducer. Instead of using headphones the vibrations are directly sent to the small bones in your ears making you hear. So it has 12 GB of usable memory with 16 GB flash total. it uses Google cloud storage. So, Google says that the glass will fit anybody's face. It actually has three sets of adjustable nose pads. One thing that I actually think that would irritate a person is its battery life. Google says that it has a battery life of a day, but most people who have worn glass say that it has an approximate lifetime of four hours. It can be charged using a micro USB cable and charger. Glass does have an included charger but charging it everyday can be very annoying. So if anybody who works in Google is reading this, try and upgrade the battery life a bit more. The battery also gets eaten up a lot if an app like hangouts or a video is being taken. Apparently glass recently got a Android Kitkat update that has boosted its battery life. That's one good thing that has happened after all. The glass has full WiFi and Bluetooth conectivity. you can do other extraordinary things with glass. You can send a message by just saying "Okay glass, send a message to..........". You then say the name of your contact and say your message. You then have a couple of seconds to delete the message before it goes to the receivers inbox. You can do that by just swiping down on the touch pad. Messages are sent by email, unless your Glass is connected to your android phone where it is sent as an SMS. Contacts can be added or edited using the MyGlass app. One of the main features glass has is getting directions. You can get transit, driving or walking roots whenever you want. If you want to to go to a hospital, you can just ask glass,"Okay glass, give directions to the nearest Hospital." You can swipe through the listing and tap on your favourite one. You then get swipe by swipe directions. Tap the touchpad to change over from biking, walking, driving etc. directions. You can get this feature by downloading the Myglass app on your android phone. There is one let down in this feature as well. Driving while wearing Google glass is banned in UK. I read some article in the internet saying that a woman got fined $100 for driving while wearing glass! With glass, you can pair up a bluetooth phone and make and receive calls through it. Yet again its the same action-"Okay glass, make a call to...............". You do get other voice commands. For example you can tell your glass to Google........., start a stopwatch, translate........, listen to..............(name of the song), show a compass, find a recipe for....... etc. There is only one huge let down for this invention. Its attention craving! I read reviews online. Apparently once this man had gone to a bar wearing the glass and the bar tender asked if he was recording him! Another person said that he wore it outside his house and everybody started staring and whispering about him. Another let down is that it does not function properly in hot and humid conditions. you might just get up a pop up message saying "Glass must cool down to run smoothly". So you have to turn it off and wait for it to cool down. As glass is still a developing device, it can get a bit complicating for an average user. Glass was on sale in the US three weeks back and it got sold off in 24 hours!! It was the explorer version being sold for $1500. It uses LCoS, field-sequential colourand LED display. If I lived in the US i would have definitely got one of them, unfortunately, here in India it's not for sale yet and its neither cold enough to wear. 38 degrees here now as I type this. I can imagine how it would be using it in this temperature!

So these are some interesting videos on glass which might interest you-

Some pictures-
So that's how glass looks

That's glass taking a picture
That's the Google glass view
Another view
The directions view
There's your error message!

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